
I want to drop
my strings of iron

thread a rail
to connect our hearts

I want you to roam
my labyrinth of tracks

lose the meaning
of end and start

I want to ride
in your locomotion

feel our combustion
feed each new mile

I want the ticket
with the golden prize

whistle stop tour
of your loving smile

Written for Poetics with dVerse Poets Pub, hosted by the lovely Claudia Schoenfeld
bringing us the inspiration of Trains
Follow this great group of poets on Twitter @dversepoets 

20 thoughts on “Want”

  1. I want to ride that train…like the undercurrents of your words….these lines are lovely:

    I want you to roam
    my labyrinth of tracks

    lose the meaning
    of end and start

    I want to ride
    in your locomotion

  2. lose the meaning of end and start are my fav lines…followed close by whistle stop tour of your loving smile…fresh approach rose…much appreciated and nice spun…

  3. I think yours is one of the few responses that chose to use the train almost purely as metaphor–and very well you’ve done it, fresh and vibrant. Enjoyed it much.

  4. choooo-chooooo. fun, whimsical and wise, I find this!

    No stowing away in a drafty boxcar in these wonderful words. I bet you are in the finest dining car together, having a 5-course meal, with champagne. Then share a luxurious private sleeping car with a moon roof in the Rockies.

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