
the first page
folded in my fingers
corner pulled
exposed after the cover

reading your lines
until the end
getting lost in our story
before slumber

your visions linger
in my blanketed dreams
warming my skin
in papier-mâché lovers

the last page
folded in my fingers
corner pulled
to expose the cover


Contributed to Open Link Night over at dVerse Poets Pub
Follow this great group of creatives on Twitter @dversepoets

A special note:
Just a year ago this month I started to share my poetry with the world, a long time creative outlet I had always only scribbled in private. Finally compelled to share my words and perspective,  I started The World Poetized. I would have never dreamed only a short year later I would have been graced with the eyes, hearts and minds of so many wonderful visitors to my words. To all those that visit me here and the many that share in the world of micropoetry with me on Twitter, you have my unending gratitude and love. Its with your support that I know my futures journey will always be covered in the words of compassion. All my love ~ Rose



32 thoughts on “Folded”

  1. ah nice…i can get lost in a good book anytime…never start one when i have to work the next day…just too dangerous…smiles…enjoyed this…and congrats on one year of blogging

  2. This is just lovely! I love the end rhymes,and how they have been so intricately woven into the piece, they sneak right up on you. A fantastic work! (And you know that note is right up my alley! My faith in the world was restored when I discovered what a wonderful community of word weavers and appreciators existed! I count YOU highly among them!)

  3. Lovely tribute to the bound book…I love the loving of it…the delicacy of sentiment. Lest we forget. Kindles can’t hold a candle. It’s the book…and of course, the words. Write on!

  4. I really like the metaphor of this poem, where the cover is exposed at the end. That is the twist connecting the book metaphor to the story of life.

  5. Yeah many word weavers out there I never knew before the rhymes came due, like you. Great verse indeed and hope for many more years to come for my little rhyming bum.

  6. wonderful metaphor in this poem Rose. I felt that I could really identify with the third stanza in particular. Love your use of ‘papier-mâché’ (I just used this phrase in piece I am drafting as well) Very effective shift and word play in the last line in S1 and S4. Enjoyed this beautifully penned piece, all through.

  7. Your words are folded into the creases of my heart
    Love sqeezes out with every heart beat
    I see your smile in every line
    And I close my eyes and float away –

    Love you Rosie… Great work! Wonderful job!

  8. Truly grateful for the time and comments my friends. I cannot express how much it means to share in words in this community, I have found my home and it is the world wide you. ~ Rose

  9. Very nice job. I really like the structure, first to last, pages, leaves, days- that’s the metaphor i thought of. Also, the idea of reading something prior to sleep and then it continues on or somehow plays apart in your dreams does occur, or so I’ve heard, but love the idea. Thanks congrats on a year blogging poetry:)

  10. hey C – i for one am glad you “came out” – as i know from experience how shutting up that voice is unhealthy and the revelations, once unbolted, can affect a change in those who read, but most importantly in the writer, the change is…. origami 🙂

  11. Lovely. I too love the ‘papier-mâché lovers’. Some really beautiful imagery in this.
    Congratulations on a year, it flies by so fast. But, it’s wonderful to feel you’re in a place where you feel so at home. Keep writing 🙂

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